What is an Organization?
These organizations are on the front lines, fighting the natural gas drilling from destroying our
neighborhoods, our water and our health.
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Oklahoma Green Party
918 348 1931 23181 Idlewild Lane Fort Gibson, Oklahoma 74434 |
political easy ballot access yet so please use us as a forum for info/idea exchange!!! |
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413-587-0021 8 Dwight Street Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040 |
promoter of clean alternative energy |
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Philadelphia Physicians for Social Responsibility
215-765-8703 704 N. 23rd Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19130 |
PSR, a public health non-profit, mobilizes individuals, health professionals, and community organizations to promote non-violence; to safeguard the environment; and to ensure universal access to healthcare. |
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R-CAUSE: Rochesterians Concerned About Unsafe Shale-gas Extraction
Street City, New York 14618 |
R-CAUSE was created by Rochester citizens who treasure New York State and want its waters, land and air to remain clean and its communities to remain viable. R-CAUSE's goal is to inform as many people in the Rochester area as possible about the risks associated with high-volume, slick-water, horizontal hydraulic fracturing. We hear a lot about the Marcellus Shale which lies south of the Thruway, but we hear little about the Utica Shale which lies under parts of the Marcellus, and under Rochester and Lake Ontario. According to some the Utica Shale is deeper and may contain even richer deposits of natural gas than the Marcellus. |
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R-CAUSE (Rochesterians Concerned ABout Unsafe Shale-gas Extraction)
Street Rochester, New York 14618 |
R-CAUSE was created by Rochester citizens who treasure New York State and want its waters, land and air to remain clean and its communities to remain viable. R-CAUSE's goal is to inform as many people in the Rochester area as possible about the risks associated with high-volume, slick-water, horizontal hydraulic fracturing. |
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