What is an Organization?
These organizations are on the front lines, fighting the natural gas drilling from destroying our
neighborhoods, our water and our health.
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Delaware Riverkeeper Network
215-369-1188 925 Canal St. Suite 3701 Bristol, Pennsylvania 19007 |
A regional watershed-based nonprofit organization founded in 1988 with 10,000 members in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, the Delaware Riverkeeper Network champions the rights of our communities to a Delaware River and tributary streams that are free-flowing, clean and healthy. |
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Delaware Riverkeeper
215.369.1188 300 Pond Street, Second Floor Bristol, Pennsylvania 19007 |
Established in 1988 upon the appointment of the Delaware Riverkeeper, the Delaware Riverkeeper Network (DRN) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) membership organization. DRN's professional staff and volunteers work throughout the entire Delaware River Watershed including portions of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and New York. |
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Delaware River Basin Commision
609-883-9522 P.O. Box 7360 West Trenton, New Jersey 08628 |
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Deep River Clean Water Society
919-210-4418 2107 Old Graham Rd Pittsboro, North Carolina 27312 |
We are a group of NC citizens, students, nurses, well drillers, families, farmers, bikers, welders, lawyers, aldermen, businesspeople, and children who love and are grateful for the water that nourishes our lives. We live in the Deep River Shale basin of NC, an 150 mile area that stretches from South Granville County to Lee, Rockingham and Anson. We began this group to educate others about the high risks of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, that is looming in NC. |
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Damascus Citizens for Sustainability
P.O. Box 147 Milanville, Pennsylvania 18443 |
Damascus Citizens for Sustainability (DCS) is a grassroots nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization dedicated to protecting the Upper Delaware River Basin and beyond from the ravages of deep-shale gas extraction and the threat posed by the natural gas industry. |
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