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What is an Alert?

An alert is an action you want people to take, an event you want people to attend or a piece of important, timely information you want to share.

Rio Grande Watchdogs 

Hughes Oil is planing on getting around the 3 mile baseline water test by bypassing the Rio Grande County Regs and going back to COGCC rules. Let the Commissioners know we want them to honor the regs we fought so hard to put in place. Rio Grande Watchdogs facebook page for more information.

Against NW PA drilling 

I am calling everyone into action against the impending drilling of the NW Pennsylvania area. My hometown and city of almost 25 years is about to be taken over by the industry. Our newspapers are filled with the news. I am terrified our water, air and safety is at stake. Please join me.

Campus Beyond Coal 

I do not know much about the potential impacts of this issue, but I know it's serious enough that we should all be having an active conversation in our communities and with our public officials.


i get a kick out of how gas companies advertise how clean natural gas is, but they fail to tell the truth how getting it can damage the enviroment, possibly have long term effects on peoples health, and can caause the younger generation to pay a hell of a price to clean up the devasting effects which will surely be left behind by the ruthless gas companies. it is amasing how they can brain wash the people of this state into beleving their campains. people need to wake up before it's to late. we will never lease our farm in southern columbia county pa. i will defend it to the last drop. what's going on can make even the most passive people take actions they would not think possible.

HOLD - Halt Oil Lease Development  

I live in Lockwood, CA which is a very small and rural Southern Monterey County, CA area (30 miles to the nearest city). Several Oil and Gas Drilling Companies are currently drilling in the Hames Valley, which is very near to our area. These companies are using Hydraulic Fracturing with chemicals and are applying to the Montery County Planning Dept for more permits to drill so-called exploratory and production wells in our unpolluted and pristine San Antonio and Hames Valleys. We have heard these companies are applying for approxiamtely 50 permits and are trying to obtain a lease sale on the surrounding 6,000 acres of BLM land. We are very concerned about our water, air quality, plant and wild life in the area. We are right over the mountain range from the Big Sur Coast, and the possibility of saline intrusion into our aquifer is a very real issue. Our group, HOLD - Halt Oil Lease Development and several other local environmental groups have appealed several of the permits, at a cost of $5,000 which is a huge sum of money for a small non-profilt group of local residents! Any help on how to stop this type of drilig before we lose our pure drinking water, clean air, and a beautiful place to live would be much appreciated.

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