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What is an Alert?

An alert is an action you want people to take, an event you want people to attend or a piece of important, timely information you want to share.

Berks Gas Truth 

Berks Gas Truth asks you to sign an online petition calling for an outright moratorium on gas drilling in Pennsylvania. We welcome signatures from across the U.S. The petition will be submitted electronically to Gov. Tom Corbett and all PA legislators on June 6th. We'll have paper copies with us on June 7th when we meet with legislators in Harrisburg on Lobby Day. We'll also have a bill for a moratorium we'll ask them to sponsor. I'll post their reponses on Berks Gas Truth's website and Facebook page, Please help us gather as many signatures as possible to let our legislators know that we want the drilling to stop!


Please start an appropriate petition to ban Fracking in America the way they did in Europe. Take advantage of this White House inititive: In September, the White House launched "We The People," an initiative in which the Obama administration officially responds to any petition that receives more than 25,000 signatures within 30 days.


can we all set up camp on land to keep them away. please come together! Let me know how i can help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do Not Frac. It is totally unsafe for the environment.

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