What is an Organization?
These organizations are on the front lines, fighting the natural gas drilling from destroying our
neighborhoods, our water and our health.
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Damascus Citizens for Sustainability
P.O. Box 147 Milanville, Pennsylvania 18443 |
Damascus Citizens for Sustainability (DCS) is a grassroots nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization dedicated to protecting the Upper Delaware River Basin and beyond from the ravages of deep-shale gas extraction and the threat posed by the natural gas industry. |
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CAPOW! (Citizens Act to Protect Our Water)
773-276-3776 Street City, Illinois 60622 |
CAPOW!'s initial mission was to keep water in the Public's hands and not be privatized/sold to a corporation by Mayor Daley Now, the issue of fracking and what natural gas drilling is doing to the water is another issue we are dealing with. |
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Homeowners For Responsible Drilling
Durango, Colorado 81303 |
Homeowners for Responsible Drilling (HFRD) is a group of concerned residents living in La Plata County, Colorado, who are working together to ensure that citizen’s health, safety, property values, and quality of life are not harmed by the exploration and drilling of natural gas and other mineral resources in our area. |
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Jobs and Energy Group
2317151614 PO Box Nine Traverse City, Michigan 49685 |
Our talented and knowledgeable volunteers, through the process of open collaboration, endeavor to satisfy the needs of media, enterprise, community, and individuals for wide ranging and accurate information. We are committed to promoting the public's interest in our energy, economy, and environment. |
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Methane Water
, Colorado 80642 |
This group is for households that have become contaminated by methane, gases or other hydrocarbons, possibly from the effects of of oil and gas drilling in the nearby vicinity. We are a group formed to gather information on experiences and dealings with your oil and gas commission in your area. We are Colorado based, but welcome input from all states throughout the nation. |
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