What is an Organization?
These organizations are on the front lines, fighting the natural gas drilling from destroying our
neighborhoods, our water and our health.
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PO Box 443 Delhi, New York 13753 | is a project of CDOG, a grassroots, all-volunteer group focused on public education and citizen participation. Our website is a comprehensive, easy-to-use resource. And the associated blog (http://un-naturalgas.web log) is a source for personal accounts and breaking news, as well as to see the latest posts from other groups across the US. |
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Slow Down the Fracking Frenzy
n.a. Athens, Ohio 45701 |
To encourage a public debate about fracking in Athens County and to work toward a moratorium of fracking until better knowledge about the risks and benefits of fracking is available. |
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The Mothers Project, Inc.
646-519-1076 2753 Broadway #186 New York, N.Y., Other |
This is a global coalition of mothers formed on behalf of children who cannot vote or make public policy. As their advocates and protectors, we support energy sources that do not fill our children’s environment—and thus their bodies—with toxic pollutants. Recognizing that our children’s lives are inextricably bound to the abiding ecology of the planet, we support energy sources that do not threaten the stability of the world’s climate, acidify its oceans, or fill the air with asthma- inducing, cancer-causing fumes. As mothers are the first environments for our children, we mothers support energy sources that do not threaten the inner sanctuaries of pregnancy with chemicals linked to birth defects, preterm birth, and cognitive deficits. |
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The Mothers Project, Inc.
646-519-1076 2753 Broadway #186 New York, N.Y., Other |
This is a global coalition of mothers formed on behalf of children who cannot vote or make public policy. As their advocates and protectors, we support energy sources that do not fill our children’s environment—and thus their bodies—with toxic pollutants. Recognizing that our children’s lives are inextricably bound to the abiding ecology of the planet, we support energy sources that do not threaten the stability of the world’s climate, acidify its oceans, or fill the air with asthma- inducing, cancer-causing fumes. As mothers are the first environments for our children, we mothers support energy sources that do not threaten the inner sanctuaries of pregnancy with chemicals linked to birth defects, preterm birth, and cognitive deficits. |
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Methane Water
, Colorado 80642 |
This group is for households that have become contaminated by methane, gases or other hydrocarbons, possibly from the effects of of oil and gas drilling in the nearby vicinity. We are a group formed to gather information on experiences and dealings with your oil and gas commission in your area. We are Colorado based, but welcome input from all states throughout the nation. |
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